たまに欧米に行くとコーヒーの種類の多さに悩む。どれがどれだかよくわからない。選択式ならまだしも、カウンターでコーヒーを頼んだら「What kind of coffee do you want?」と聞かれて困ったこともある。
以前訪れたスコットランドでは、単に「コーヒー(Coffee)」というメニューが一覧になかった! 「フィルターコーヒー(Filter coffee)」がいわゆるふつうのコーヒーだったようだけど、あわててしまって気づかなかった。Normal とか Standard では通じなくて、困った末に「Any type of coffee is fine.」とかいって誤魔化した。出てきたものはフィルターコーヒーだったので、「It’s nice!」と事なきを得たけど、なんとなくかっこ悪い。
それから、ミルクについても、温めてミルク(hot milk)、スキムミルク(skimmed milk)、豆乳(soy milk)があって、「なぜに豆乳?」と思ったことがある。
オーストラリアではちょっと事情が違っていた。日本でおなじみのものばかり! でもよく見ると、Long BlackとFlat Whiteというものがある。よくわからずに飲んでいたけど、やはり言葉の響きから受ける印象と近い味のコーヒーだったので安心して楽しめた。すっかりFlat White が大好きになった。カンタスのラウンジにあるコーヒーカウンターで作り方を見ていたら、エスプレッソを作ってそこにスチームドミルクを加えていた。
Wikipedia で調べてみると実に細かな説明があった。
Long Black
A long black is a style of coffee commonly found in Australia and New Zealand. It is similar to an Americano, but with a stronger aroma and taste.
A long black is made by pouring a double-shot of espresso or ristretto over hot water. Typically about 100 – 120 milliliters of water is used (3.5 – 4 ounces) but the measurement is considered to be flexible to individual taste. The smaller volume of water compared to an Americano is responsible for its stronger taste. Usually the water is also heated by the espresso machine. A long black is similar to an Americano, which is made by pouring hot water over a double-shot of espresso or ristretto. Both retain the crema when brewed properly, though in the long black the crema will be more pronounced.
A long black is made by pouring a double-shot of espresso or ristretto over hot water. Typically about 100 – 120 milliliters of water is used (3.5 – 4 ounces) but the measurement is considered to be flexible to individual taste. The smaller volume of water compared to an Americano is responsible for its stronger taste. Usually the water is also heated by the espresso machine. A long black is similar to an Americano, which is made by pouring hot water over a double-shot of espresso or ristretto. Both retain the crema when brewed properly, though in the long black the crema will be more pronounced.
Flat White
A flat white is a coffee drink consisting of espresso with microfoam (steamed milk with small, fine bubbles and a glossy or velvety consistency). It is comparable to a latte, but smaller in volume and with less microfoam, therefore having a higher proportion of coffee to milk, and milk that is more velvety in consistency – allowing the espresso to dominate the flavour, while being supported by the milk.